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Anne Bronte



2019 is Rebecca's seventeenth Edinburgh Fringe, during which time she has founded Close Up Theatre (Sell-Out shows 2004 - 2018), served as Artistic Director for the No Prophet and Eleventh Hour Theatre Companies, and directed thirty critically acclaimed shows.  In 2018, she co-wrote and directed a new adaptation of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four at the Fringe, which gained five star reviews and Sell-Out status.  Rebecca trained initially as a journalist and has written for a range of publications, most notably The Guardian newspaper. As an actor, her favourite roles include Elizabeth Proctor (The Crucible), Beverley (Abigail's Party),  and Maggie (Dancing at Lughnasa).  Rebecca's pupils have worked for the BBC, ITV, C4, R4, RSC, the Globe, National Theatre, Action to the Word, and the Arcola.  Rebecca was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts for her contribution to Youth Theatre, and works nationally and internationally as a theatre practitioner, consultant and examiner. 


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Then with a passion will I shake the world 


William Shakespeare


©2019 Rebecca Vines. 

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